
Friday, December 1, 2017

I Am Poem

I Am Poem

I am a level 2 gymnast at North Harbour Gymnastics Center
I wonder what my sister Hollie is doing at school today I hear whistling bird when i'm up and adem in the morning
I see the motion of the waves down by my feet at the beach
I want to go to Disneyland and California in America
I am a level 2 gymnast

I pretend to be in a gymnastics competition when I do gymnastics so I work hard
I feel that my future is going to be full of pets
I touch my dog Jack’s fur like i'm patting him to heaven
I worry that my sister won’t have a good life
I cry about things that make me upset like people hurting me and things that I don’t agree about
I am a level 2 gymnast

I understand that if people don’t always have to have their opinions, it can be yours too!
I say that you can never have too many stuffies like rainbows, unicorns and much more
I dream that the world was made of candy like the trees were made out of candy - floss and the grass was made out of sherbert licroch
I try to enjoy candy as much as Selina does because she has got lots of candy stuffies
I hope I will be in the same class as Selina next year
I am a level 2 gymnast.