
Friday, May 1, 2015

Dear Mum and Dad
I am very scared so is Zara. Beside me my best buddy is dead. I forgive her but it’s so sad that she died. I smell so stinky that I could die.I miss you so much, the sound is so loud that I could faint. The sound can’t stop. Is Hollie sad? I know I won’t return but I’m going to do it. So I can save New Zealand. For dinner and breakfast I had dried crackers.
Love From Tayla xoxo


We went on the slippery water slide and it was
nice and everyone.We did running and I was so tired but I was 1st place and my friend cheered for me. Her name was Zara and she’s so friend cold soapy bubbles all over ly.I am a fast runner so everyone cheered for me.Thank you everyone you are as  nice as can be.Mrs smith said who was first. And I said me I was very happy.I had a fun when I do running.I ran at lunch time. And I was so tired that I could not breath.I fell over on my knee.I think I will be all right. Thank you everyone for helping me.

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